James Read’s tips for the perfect fake tan
James Read's tips for the perfect fake tan
James Read’s Tips for the Perfect Fake Tan
Cult Beauty expert & A-list tanning artist James Read knows a thing or two about the art of applying fake tan. This is the man who’s sprayed everyone from GaGa to Mariah (and lived to tell the tale) and here he reveals his top tips for getting your at-home fake tan spot on and streak free… Products “When using self tan at home you want to use the right product for your ‘Tantone’ (skin tone); if you use a product that is too dark for you then your tan will look unnatural. test the product on an area on the body that is not on show first to see if they match. Light Tantone: Go for a gradual tanner or mix self tan with your body moisturiser. Medium Tantone: Go for a mousse, foam or spray-based product. Dark Tantone: Go for a lotion tan as these are the darkest. Layering: Layer your tan up in fine layers, mousses and foams work well for this, this will make your tan last longer and also fade more evenly. You want to treat your application like a real tan. With a real tan your tan builds up, it does not go straight to a dark colour. Mitt Application: For the perfect application apply your liquid tan, mousse, lotion or gradual tan with a mitt. Sweep your mitt up your skin in big strokes, try and keep each sweep in the same direction and don’t over-rub or the final result will be uneven. The Flicker: This is similar to the layering technique but this is finer and will stop full down onto the feet. Spray on your body using flickering motions, doing half circles onto your body. By Hand: Applying your tan by hand can sometimes be the best way to apply self tan as it allows you to really work the product into your skin. But make sure you wash your hands after application and then tan the outer parts of your hands by rubbing them together. Make sure when you are using Latex gloves that you don’t over rub product and also apply with your palms and fingers together. If your hands are all over the place this will cause streaks on your skin. Sprays: Make sure you cover your feet with a towel otherwise the excess spray taken from covering your body will layer and over-tan them, NOT a good look. Don’t spray too close to your body and make sure you hold the bottle at the same distance all over, this will stop your tan being uneven. Some tans can leak around the nozzle, wash hands after just in case, you don’t want ‘smoker’s fingers’! Mousse/Lotion/Liquid/Gel: When using these products use a sweeping motion, making sure you are not over rubbing, which will cause your tan to be too dark. After applying a lotion, leave for 45mins and then using a cotton mitt or flannel buff over your body, this will help achieve a more natural, even-looking tan. Hands: Always apply your tan last to your hands. Do not apply product directly onto your hands, just work the excess down from your arms. It’s really important after applying your self tan that you don’t wash your hands for at least 8 hours, this will stop you getting white hands and brown arms. Make sure your palms are cleaned with a wipe or flannel after tanning. After you have applied self tan to your hands, rub a small amount of moisturiser on the sides of the hands and in between the fingers – remember these areas don’t tan in the real sun. After applying self tan, use a wipe to clean around the wrist area, then rub a small amount of moisturiser on each wrist and buff with a mitt, to get a natural fade down. Feet: Work your product directly from your legs onto your feet and ankles, don’t apply directly onto the feet. Rub moisturiser in between the toes and a small amount at the sides of the feet, then using a mitt buff around the feet and ankles to make sure it’s even. Face: When applying self tan to your face, apply a small amount of moisturiser first, to make sure your tan looks natural. Your face is one of the first places on the body to fade first, so mix a small amount of self tan in with your moisturiser and apply to the face, this will lift your tan on your face and make sure it matches the rest of your body. Remember to rub moisturiser into your hair line after the product is applied, this will stop you getting the tell tale self tan line. Back: The back is one of the hardest places to get right as its hard to do yourself. Apply product onto some clingfilm and then rub over your back. You can also go for a spray that sprays at 360 degree angle, this will allow you to get to hard to reach areas or get your partner involved!
Golden Rules and Top Tips
1. Wax 48 and shave 24 hours before tanning, exfoliate 24 hours before to remove any dead skin and unwanted self tan.
2. Rub an ice cube over your face before you apply your self tan, this will stop your pores from blocking.
3. Before you apply your tan, rub a wet wipe over your neck, armpits, wrists and ankles – this will get rid of any excess.
4. Moisturise your hands, feet, elbows, knees and any dry areas on the body.
5. Exfoliate 3 days after tanning, so your tan fades evenly, the Kai Body Buffer Sponges are perfect for this).
6. Moisturise daily to prolong your self tan, using a thick moisturiser (James rates bliss Lemon and Sage Body Butter)
7. To stop sweating removing your tan, rub bronzing mineral powder under your armpits, breasts and backs of legs.
8. If you get your body wet and your tan runs, apply a small amount of self tan onto a mitt and rub over the area to blend in.
9. It’s generally recommend that you leave your tan on for 8 hours but for best results use overnight.
10. Cover toenails with an all-purpose balm like Egyptian Magic or Pommade Divine to stop them being discoloured by the self tan.